AI VIDEOS in 10 SECONDS? | Runway Gen-3 Alpha TURBO Speed Test

Gabe Michael
16 Aug 202407:31

TLDRIn this speed test, Runway's new Gen-3 Alpha Turbo model is compared to the original Gen-3 Alpha for video generation speed. The Turbo model claims to be seven times faster. Tests on various scenes show the original taking 64 seconds, while the Turbo completes in about 26 seconds, averaging around 5 times faster. The test isn't scientific, but it demonstrates the potential for even greater speed improvements under different conditions.


  • 🚀 Runway has introduced a new model, the Gen 3 Alpha Turbo, which is claimed to be seven times faster than the original Gen 3 Alpha.
  • ⏱️ A speed test was conducted to compare the generation times of the Gen 3 Alpha and Gen 3 Alpha Turbo models.
  • 🌊 In the first test, the Gen 3 Alpha took approximately 1 minute and 45 seconds to generate a 10-second video, while the Gen 3 Alpha Turbo finished in about 26 seconds.
  • 🔥 The Gen 3 Alpha Turbo demonstrated a significantly faster generation speed, reducing the time from over a minute to around 20 seconds.
  • 🤖 A robot running on the beach clip showcased the potential for high-quality natural movement and detail in the generated videos.
  • 😈 The 'two Devils' prompt resulted in a creative interpretation by the Gen 3 Alpha Turbo, with a 3D parallax effect rather than a kiss.
  • 🎬 The video creator suggests that with more rerolls and better prompts, the Gen 3 Alpha Turbo could achieve near-production-ready results.
  • 📈 The speed test results indicate that the Gen 3 Alpha Turbo is approximately 5 times faster, falling short of the claimed 7 times but still impressive.
  • 🤔 The test was not scientifically rigorous, and the creator speculates that under different conditions, the Gen 3 Alpha Turbo might achieve the claimed speed.
  • 👍 The video creator is overall impressed with the capabilities of the Gen 3 Alpha Turbo, encouraging viewers to experiment and create with the new model.

Q & A

  • What is the name of the new model released by Runway?

    -The new model released by Runway is called Gen-3 Alpha Turbo.

  • What is the claimed speed improvement of Gen-3 Alpha Turbo over the original Gen-3 Alpha?

    -Runway claims that Gen-3 Alpha Turbo is supposed to be seven times faster than the original Gen-3 Alpha model.

  • How long did it take for Gen-3 Alpha to generate the first scene of the woman walking towards the water?

    -It took around 1 minute and 45 to 47 seconds for Gen-3 Alpha to generate the first scene.

  • How long did it take for Gen-3 Alpha Turbo to generate the same scene?

    -Gen-3 Alpha Turbo generated the same scene in approximately 26 seconds.

  • What is the second clip in the test, and how long did it take for Gen-3 Alpha to generate it?

    -The second clip is of a silver angel flying upward as it raises its sword. It took around 1 minute and 38 to 39 seconds for Gen-3 Alpha to generate this clip.

  • How quickly was the second clip generated by Gen-3 Alpha Turbo?

    -Gen-3 Alpha Turbo generated the second clip in about 21 seconds.

  • What was the prompt for the robot running on the beach scene?

    -The prompt was to slow in on the robot as it runs along the beach with natural ocean movement behind it.

  • How did the Gen-3 Alpha perform in generating the robot running on the beach scene?

    -Gen-3 Alpha generated the scene with good waves and a robot that looked realistic, but there were some imperfections on the ground.

  • What was the time taken by Gen-3 Alpha Turbo to generate the robot running on the beach scene?

    -Gen-3 Alpha Turbo generated the scene in about 22 seconds.

  • What was the prompt for the two devils scene, and how did Gen-3 Alpha perform?

    -The prompt was for the two devils to open their eyes as they lean in to kiss each other on the lips. Gen-3 Alpha did not follow the prompt very well, but it showed a zoom in and some clay-like texture.

  • How did Gen-3 Alpha Turbo handle the two devils prompt, and what was the time taken?

    -Gen-3 Alpha Turbo did not show the devils kissing but displayed a parallaxing effect in 3D space. It took around 1 minute and 30 to 40 seconds to generate this scene.



🚀 Gen 3 Alpha Turbo Speed Test

This paragraph details a speed test comparing the original Gen 3 Alpha model with the newly released Gen 3 Alpha Turbo. The test involves generating scenes with both models and timing how long it takes for each to complete. The Gen 3 Alpha model takes approximately 1 minute and 45-47 seconds, while the Gen 3 Alpha Turbo is significantly faster, completing in around 26 seconds. The test includes generating a woman walking towards water, a silver angel flying upward, and a robot running on the beach. The Gen 3 Alpha Turbo shows impressive speed and quality, with some scenes appearing almost production-ready after minimal rerolls.


👹 Gen 3 Alpha Turbo's Enhanced Performance

The second paragraph continues the comparison between the Gen 3 Alpha and Gen 3 Alpha Turbo, focusing on the generation of more complex scenes. It includes generating two devils kissing and a robot on the beach with natural ocean movement. The Gen 3 Alpha model takes around 1 minute and 30-40 seconds, while the Gen 3 Alpha Turbo completes in about 20 seconds. Although not quite reaching the claimed seven times faster speed, the Turbo model still demonstrates a significant improvement, with the possibility of achieving closer to the claimed speed under different conditions. The paragraph concludes with the presenter's thoughts on the potential for further optimization and the capability of the Turbo model to produce impressive results.



💡Runway Gen-3 Alpha Turbo

Runway Gen-3 Alpha Turbo refers to the latest model of AI video generation software mentioned in the video. It is described as being significantly faster than its predecessor, the Gen-3 Alpha. The video aims to test the claim that the Turbo version is seven times faster. This keyword is central to the video's theme as it is the subject of the speed test and comparison.

💡Speed Test

A speed test, in this context, is a method used to evaluate the performance of the AI models by measuring the time it takes to generate a video clip. The video script describes conducting a speed test to compare the generation times of the Gen-3 Alpha and Gen-3 Alpha Turbo models. It is a key aspect of the video's narrative, as it demonstrates the efficiency improvements of the newer model.


In the script, 'generate' is used as a command to initiate the AI's video creation process. It is a crucial action in the video, as it triggers the AI to produce the desired video clips. The term is repeatedly used throughout the script to demonstrate the AI's capabilities and the speed at which it can produce results.


A stopwatch is a timekeeping instrument used to measure the duration of an event. In the video, a stopwatch is used to time how long it takes for the AI models to generate video clips. It is an essential tool in the speed test, providing a quantitative measure of the AI's performance.


Rerolls refer to the process of repeating the video generation with different parameters or prompts to achieve a desired outcome. The script mentions rerolls as a way to potentially improve the quality or accuracy of the generated clips. It illustrates the iterative nature of working with AI video generation tools.


Prompts are the textual instructions or descriptions given to the AI to guide the video generation process. The script includes various prompts, such as 'two Devils open their eyes as they lean in to kiss each other on the lips,' which the AI uses to create the corresponding video scenes. Prompts are integral to the video's theme, as they directly influence the output of the AI.


Imperfections in the video context refer to the flaws or inaccuracies in the generated video clips. The script discusses noticing imperfections in the generated scenes, such as unnatural movements or inconsistencies in the environment. These imperfections are part of the video's narrative, as they highlight the current limitations of AI video generation.

💡Production Ready

Production ready implies that the generated video clips are of sufficient quality to be used in a final production without further modification. The script mentions assessing whether the AI-generated clips are close to being production ready, indicating a key goal of the speed test and a measure of the AI's capabilities.


A thumbnail in video production is a small, representative image used to preview the video content. The script mentions using a robot running on the beach as a potential thumbnail, highlighting the importance of visual appeal in video marketing and the role of AI in creating such imagery.

💡Break Dancing

Break dancing is a style of street dance that involves acrobatics and athletic moves. In the script, the term is humorously used to describe an unexpected, exaggerated movement of the robot in one of the generated clips. It serves as an example of the AI's creative output and the unpredictable nature of AI-generated content.

💡Parallax 3D Space

Parallax 3D space refers to the visual effect where objects appear to move at different speeds or directions when viewed from different angles, creating a sense of depth. The script describes the AI generating a scene where characters appear to be moving in a 3D space, showcasing the AI's ability to create complex visual effects.


Runway Gen-3 Alpha Turbo is claimed to be seven times faster than the original Gen-3 Alpha model.

The first test scene involves generating a woman walking towards water with natural scene movement.

Gen-3 Alpha model takes around 1 minute and 45 seconds to generate a 10-second video.

Gen-3 Alpha Turbo completes the same task in approximately 26 seconds, showcasing its speed.

The hair flip in the video generated by Gen-3 Alpha Turbo is noted as a useful and impressive detail.

The second clip features a silver angel flying upward, raising its sword.

Gen-3 Alpha takes around 1 minute and 39 seconds for the angel clip.

Gen-3 Alpha Turbo generates the angel clip in about 21 seconds, nearly real-time for a 10-second video.

The background and sword details in the angel clip are praised for their quality.

The third test involves a robot running on a beach, aiming for a thumbnail image.

Gen-3 Alpha's first attempt at the robot clip has the robot looking good but with some ground anomalies.

Gen-3 Alpha Turbo's robot clip is much faster, generating in about 22 seconds with impressive water effects.

The sand movement in the robot clip is noted as going in the wrong direction but still impressive.

The final test is generating a scene with two devils kissing.

Gen-3 Alpha takes around 1 minute and 40 seconds for the devils clip, not fully following the prompt.

Gen-3 Alpha Turbo's devils clip shows a 3D parallax effect, almost achieving the kiss, in about 30 seconds.

The speed test results show Gen-3 Alpha Turbo is around 5 times faster, not quite the claimed 7 times.

The test is not super scientific, and the speed could potentially reach 6 or 7 times faster under different conditions.