GLITCH | AI Short Film | Runway Gen:48 3rd Edition

Nora Bereczki
16 Sept 202403:15

TLDRTheodore Finch lives in a picture-perfect town, yet feels a void in his life. One day, he finds a mysterious key that transports him to a world with Eleanor, a woman who brings him joy and love. Together, they experience life's simple pleasures until Eleanor's illness and death leave Theodore heartbroken. He discovers another key, hinting at a new journey, suggesting that life's imperfections can lead to profound connections and experiences.


  • 🏡 Theodore Finch lives in a seemingly perfect town where everything is meticulously organized and identical.
  • ⏰ His daily routine is very structured, waking up at 7:00 a.m. to the smell of perfectly brewed coffee.
  • 🔍 Despite the perfection, Theodore often has a distant look in his eyes, hinting at a longing for something more.
  • 🚗 One day, he notices a car moving backward and other anomalies, suggesting a glitch in the perfect world he knows.
  • 🔑 He finds an old key on the sidewalk, which triggers a shift in his reality, transporting him to a desert with a single door.
  • 🚪 Upon opening the door with the key, he enters a new world filled with warmth and familiarity.
  • 💑 In this new world, he is with Eleanor, a woman who brings joy and love into his life.
  • 🌟 Theodore and Eleanor share simple pleasures and create a life rich with emotions, far from the surreal perfection of his previous existence.
  • 🏥 Tragically, Eleanor falls ill, and Theodore experiences profound loss as she passes away.
  • 🔗 He finds another key by her bedside, which leads him back to his original, perfect town, leaving him to question the nature of reality and happiness.

Q & A

  • What is the name of the man living in the small, seemingly perfect town?

    -The man's name is Theodore Finch.

  • What unusual event does Theodore witness during his walk in the perfect town?

    -Theodore witnesses a car moving backward down the street, raindrops rising from puddles back up to the clouds, and a little girl whose eyes have slipped down to her cheeks.

  • What does Theodore find on the pavement that triggers a change in his world?

    -Theodore finds an old worn-out key on the pavement, which, when picked up, causes the world around him to fade away.

  • What does Theodore encounter in the vast empty desert after the world fades away?

    -In the vast empty desert, Theodore encounters a single, weathered door.

  • What happens when Theodore opens the door in the desert with the key?

    -Upon opening the door, Theodore is enveloped by warmth and familiarity, and he finds himself in a different world with Elanor.

  • How does the world with Elanor differ from the perfect town Theodore came from?

    -The world with Elanor is rich with emotion, filled with genuine joy and love, and they share simple pleasures like picnics, dancing, and stargazing.

  • What tragic event occurs in Theodore's life with Elanor?

    -Elanor falls ill and eventually passes away in a hospital room, leaving Theodore with a profound sense of emptiness.

  • What does Theodore find beside Elanor's bed after her passing?

    -Theodore finds a key lying on the floor beside Elanor's bed.

  • What does the appearance of the door in the hospital room signify for Theodore?

    -The appearance of the door signifies that Theodore is being guided to another world or reality, similar to when he found the key in the perfect town.

  • How does the story end after Theodore opens the door in the hospital room?

    -The story ends with Theodore back in the small, seemingly perfect town, suggesting a cyclical or parallel existence.



🔑 The Enigmatic Key

The script introduces Theodore Finch, a man living in a meticulously perfect town, where everything is in its place and the environment is harmonious. However, Finch seems to be searching for something beyond his reach. One day, he discovers a strange occurrence—a car moving backward and raindrops rising—which leads him to find an old key on the sidewalk. Upon picking up the key, his surroundings vanish, and he is transported to a desert with a single door. He opens the door with the key and enters a new world filled with warmth and familiarity, where he is with a woman named Elanor, whose presence brings him genuine joy and love. They share simple pleasures like picnics, dancing, and stargazing, living a life rich with emotion.



💡Theodore Finch

Theodore Finch is the main character in the video, living in a seemingly perfect town. His name represents the protagonist's journey through a surreal and perfect existence, which is contrasted with the genuine emotions and experiences he has in the world with Eleanor. The character embodies the theme of seeking authenticity and happiness beyond the facade of perfection.

💡Perfect town

The 'perfect town' is a metaphor for a life devoid of imperfections and spontaneity. It represents a society where everything is in order and nothing is out of place, which can be seen as a critique of a world that values uniformity over individuality and genuine human experience. The town's perfection is juxtaposed with Theodore's inner longing for something more meaningful.

💡Perfect cup of coffee

The 'perfect cup of coffee' symbolizes the mundane routine and predictability of Theodore's life in the perfect town. It is a recurring element that highlights the lack of excitement or variation in his daily existence. The coffee's description, with 'two sugars and a splash of cream brewed just right,' underscores the town's obsession with precision and control.


Eleanor is a significant character in Theodore's life, representing love, joy, and the emotional depth that he lacks in his perfect town. Her laughter 'lit up every corner of his life,' indicating that she brings a sense of warmth and vibrancy that contrasts sharply with the sterile environment he initially inhabits.

💡Old worn-out key

The 'old worn-out key' is a pivotal object in the narrative, symbolizing the unlocking of new experiences and the potential for change. When Theodore picks up the key, it triggers a transformation in his reality, leading him to a world where he experiences genuine emotions and love with Eleanor. The key serves as a metaphor for the power of curiosity and the pursuit of a more fulfilling life.

💡Weathered door

The 'weathered door' in the desert represents a threshold or a gateway to a new world, one that is starkly different from the perfect town. It is a visual representation of the transition from a life of order and predictability to one of uncertainty and emotional richness. The door's weathered appearance suggests a history and depth that is absent in Theodore's initial environment.


The 'desert' in which Theodore finds himself after picking up the key is a symbol of emptiness and the unknown. It represents a state of being where Theodore is stripped of the familiar and is forced to confront his inner desires and the possibility of a different existence. The desert's vastness and isolation mirror Theodore's emotional journey and the search for meaning.


Eleanor's 'illness' introduces a tragic element to the narrative, highlighting the fragility of life and the inevitability of loss. It serves as a catalyst for Theodore's emotional growth and the realization that even in a world filled with love and joy, there are still hardships and challenges to face. The illness underscores the theme of cherishing the moments we have with our loved ones.

💡Hospital room

The 'hospital room' is a setting that contrasts sharply with the earlier scenes of joy and happiness. It represents the reality of suffering and the end of life, a stark reminder of the impermanence of all things. The room's quietness and the hum of machines create a somber atmosphere that contrasts with the vibrancy of Theodore and Eleanor's life together.

💡Second key

The 'second key' that Theodore finds by Eleanor's bedside symbolizes the cyclical nature of life and the ongoing journey even after loss. It suggests that there are always new doors to unlock and new experiences to be had, even in the face of grief. The key's presence after Eleanor's death implies that Theodore's journey is not over and that he must continue to seek and embrace new experiences.


Theodore Finch lives in a small town that seems almost too perfect.

Every morning, Theodore wakes up to the smell of a perfect cup of coffee at 7:00 a.m.

His house is spotless with everything in its proper place.

The neighborhood mirrors his world, with uniform lawns and polite neighbors.

Theodore sometimes appears distant, as if searching for something beyond his memory.

One day, Theodore notices a car moving backward and raindrops rising.

He finds an old key on the pavement, which triggers a shift in his reality.

Theodore enters a vast empty desert with a single, weathered door.

Upon opening the door, he is enveloped by warmth and familiarity.

In this new world, Theodore is with Eleanor, whose laughter fills his life with joy.

Theodore and Eleanor share simple pleasures, creating a rich emotional life.

Eleanor falls ill, and Theodore stays by her side through her final moments.

After Eleanor's death, Theodore finds another key, which leads him back to his perfect town.

The story explores the contrast between a surreal perfect life and a life filled with genuine emotions.

Theodore's journey through different worlds questions the nature of reality and happiness.

The film uses the metaphor of keys and doors to symbolize choices and transitions in life.

The narrative delves into themes of love, loss, and the search for meaning.

The film's conclusion leaves the audience pondering the true essence of a perfect life.