Genmo AI Tutorial: How to Use Genmo AI for Beginners

In EsSence Photography & Videography
19 May 202310:38

TLDRThis tutorial introduces Genmo AI, an advanced AI tool designed for creative projects. The video guides users through its features, including image and video generation, text-to-video creation, and photo editing. Users can animate parts of images, create videos from text, and even design app icons. The host explains how to use Genmoโ€™s tools without prior editing skills, demonstrating its user-friendly interface and powerful capabilities. The video also covers fuel credits, which are required to generate content. By the end, viewers will know how to sign in, generate content, and enhance their creative projects using Genmo AI.


  • ๐ŸŒ Genmo AI is a technology designed to work collaboratively with humans towards creating general intelligence.
  • ๐ŸŽจ Users can generate animations, movies, and photographs with Genmo AI by using text commands and simple editing tools.
  • ๐Ÿ–ผ๏ธ Genmo AI allows users to upload an image and animate specific parts of it without needing advanced editing skills.
  • ๐ŸŽฌ The platform enables the creation of entire movies from scratch using the right commands and a bit of experience.
  • ๐Ÿ“œ Text can be used to generate a movie trailer, including writing a script and creating the visual content.
  • ๐Ÿ–Š๏ธ Genmo AI provides the ability to edit photographs with words, making photo editing accessible to those without editing expertise.
  • ๐Ÿ“ฑ The technology can also be used to design app icons, offering a creative co-pilot for developers.
  • ๐Ÿ” To start using Genmo AI, users need to sign in with an email address and may be placed on a waitlist until access is granted.
  • ๐Ÿ’ก The 'Fuel' system is used to track the credits spent on generating images or videos within the platform.
  • ๐ŸŽฅ Users can create videos by either generating an image from text or uploading an existing one, then defining animation and transition settings.
  • ๐Ÿ”ง The editing process is straightforward, with options to brush on or brush away parts of the image to be animated, and to adjust video length and animation characteristics.

Q & A

  • What is Genmo AI?

    -Genmo AI is a tool that allows users to collaborate with a generative model to create content such as images, videos, and animations. It is part of an effort to develop general intelligence.

  • What can you do with Genmo AI's image features?

    -Genmo AI allows you to upload an image and animate parts of it. You can also edit and create images using text commands.

  • How can you create a video with Genmo AI?

    -To create a video, you can either generate an image or upload one. After that, you can define what parts of the image should be animated using simple brush tools.

  • What does 'Fuel' represent in Genmo AI?

    -Fuel represents credits used in Genmo AI to generate or edit images and videos. Each creation uses a certain number of fuel units.

  • How can you generate a video using text in Genmo AI?

    -You can describe what you want, such as 'a flower growing,' choose the aspect ratio, and generate the first frame. From there, you can animate specific parts and create a video.

  • Can you edit a photograph using text commands in Genmo AI?

    -Yes, Genmo AI allows you to edit photographs using text commands without needing prior editing skills.

  • What are some customization options for videos in Genmo AI?

    -Genmo AI allows customization of video length, animation speed, transition smoothness, and the level of exploration, which determines how much the content changes over time.

  • What happens if you run out of fuel while creating videos?

    -Each action in Genmo AI consumes fuel. If you run out, you wonโ€™t be able to generate more content until you acquire more fuel.

  • Can you remove the watermark from videos generated in Genmo AI?

    -Yes, by subscribing to the premium version, you can remove the watermark and access higher video quality.

  • How does Genmo AI handle image resolution and quality?

    -Genmo AI excludes low-resolution, blurry, deformed, or ugly images to ensure better quality when generating or animating content.



๐Ÿค– Introduction to Genmo AI

The script begins by introducing Genmo, an AI technology aimed at creating general intelligence through collaboration between humans and generative models. The presenter directs viewers to Genmo's homepage, which is described as a platform showcasing the potential of AI. It highlights the ability to create animations, generate and edit movies, and even generate trailers from text. The presenter also mentions the capability to edit photographs with text commands and design app icons. To start using Genmo, viewers are instructed to sign in with an email address and password, after which they are placed on a waitlist. There's an option to use 'Fuel' credits for image generation, and the presenter guides viewers on how to get started with creating content.


๐ŸŽจ Creating and Editing Videos with Genmo

In this section, the presenter demonstrates how to create a video using Genmo by generating an image of a growing flower. The process involves selecting the aspect ratio, brushing to define what should be animated, and adjusting various settings such as video length, animation exploration, and transition speed. The presenter also shows how to add text instructions to guide the AI in creating the video. After generating the video, the presenter discusses the use of 'Fuel' credits, which decrease as actions are taken. The script then proceeds to demonstrate uploading an image and creating a video from it, with an emphasis on the ability to exclude certain elements and control the animation settings. The presenter concludes by showing the final animated video and discussing the efficiency of the process.


๐Ÿš€ Wrapping Up with Genmo

The final paragraph summarizes the presenter's experience with Genmo, noting the amount of 'Fuel' credits used for video generation. The presenter encourages viewers to download Genmo, explore its features, and have fun creating content. The script ends with a farewell, promising more content in the next video.



๐Ÿ’กAI technology

AI technology refers to the use of artificial intelligence in various applications and systems to perform tasks that would typically require human intelligence. In the context of the video, AI technology is central to the theme as it discusses Genmo, a platform that leverages AI to create generative models for tasks such as animating images and generating videos from text. The video showcases how Genmo's AI capabilities can be used to create animations and movies, demonstrating the practical applications of AI in creative processes.

๐Ÿ’กGenerative model

A generative model in AI is a type of machine learning model that is trained on a set of data and then used to generate new data instances that resemble the original training data. In the video, Genmo's generative model is highlighted as a key component of its technology, enabling users to create animations and videos by working in conjunction with the AI. The generative model is what allows for the creation of new content, such as animating parts of an image or generating a movie from a script.


Animation in the video refers to the process of creating the illusion of motion and change by manipulating images or objects in a sequence. The script mentions that Genmo allows users to animate parts of an image, which is a significant feature of the platform. For example, the video demonstrates how to animate a flower growing, showcasing the platform's ability to generate dynamic content from static images.

๐Ÿ’กText to video

Text to video is a process where textual descriptions are used to generate video content. The video script explains that Genmo can convert text commands into video animations, allowing users to create videos by simply describing what they want to see. This is exemplified in the tutorial when the presenter inputs a command to generate a video of a flower growing, highlighting the platform's capability to understand and execute creative instructions.

๐Ÿ’กImage editing

Image editing is the process of altering images, such as photographs, to achieve a desired appearance. In the context of the video, Genmo's AI technology allows for image editing through the use of text commands, which is a novel approach that does not require traditional editing skills. The script illustrates this by showing how a user can edit a photograph by specifying what parts of the image should be animated or remain static.

๐Ÿ’กApp icons

App icons are the visual representations of mobile applications, typically used on a device's home screen or app store. The video mentions that Genmo can generate app icons, indicating that the platform's AI capabilities extend to designing visual elements for software applications. This feature is part of Genmo's broader offering to assist in creative tasks, such as branding and user interface design.


In the video, 'Fuel' refers to the credits or points used within the Genmo platform to perform actions like generating images or creating videos. The script explains that users have a certain amount of Fuel, which is consumed based on the complexity of the tasks they perform. This concept is akin to a currency within the platform, where users manage their resources to create content.

๐Ÿ’กVideo length

Video length refers to the duration of a video clip. In the tutorial, the presenter discusses how the length of a video affects the amount of Fuel required to generate it. Longer videos consume more Fuel, which is a way for the platform to manage resource allocation and ensure that users have a clear understanding of the costs associated with different video lengths.


Exploration in the context of the video relates to the degree of variation and creativity applied in the animation process. The script describes how adjusting the exploration setting can lead to more chaotic or slower-changing animations. This feature allows users to control the level of innovation and randomness in the generated content, providing a balance between user direction and AI creativity.

๐Ÿ’กGeneral smoothness

General smoothness is a setting within Genmo that controls the fluidity and transition quality of the generated animations. The video explains that higher values result in more blur and faster content changes, while lower values produce smoother transitions. This setting is crucial for users who want to fine-tune the visual appeal and coherence of their animations.


Loop in the video refers to the ability to make a video repeat or cycle back to the beginning after it finishes playing. The script mentions that users can choose to make their generated videos loop, which is a useful feature for creating continuous animations or for use in certain types of video content, such as background loops for presentations or websites.


Introduction to Genmo AI and its generative capabilities.

Genmo AI allows users to animate parts of an image.

Users can generate and edit entire movies from scratch.

Text-to-video feature is demonstrated, allowing users to generate videos from text prompts.

Genmo AI offers the ability to edit photographs with simple commands.

You can generate app icons, making Genmo a creative co-pilot.

The tutorial explains how to sign in and get started with Genmo AI.

Introduction to the concept of 'fuel,' which is the credits used to generate images and videos.

A step-by-step guide to creating a flower animation as the first frame of a video.

Explanation of the brush tool used to define parts of the image to animate.

Discussion of settings like video length, exploration, and smoothness for customization.

Adding a bee to the flower animation using simple commands.

Demonstration of creating videos by uploading existing images.

Genmo AI allows specific areas of an image to be animated or left static.

The video quality and watermark removal depend on the user's subscription.