NEW FREE Ai VIDEO Generator - How I use it tutorial / Haiper Ai

21 Mar 202413:01

TLDRThis tutorial showcases the capabilities of a free AI video generation tool called Haiper Ai. The creator demonstrates how to use the tool to make impressive movie trailers and other video content. After a brief introduction, the creator presents a high-quality trailer generated with Haiper Ai, followed by a step-by-step guide on using the tool. The video highlights the tool's features, including text-to-video generation, image uploads, and style customization. The creator also shares tips for achieving better results and ends with a discussion on the potential of AI in video creation.


  • 🎬 The video introduces a free AI video generation tool called Haiper Ai.
  • πŸš€ The tool allows users to create videos by providing prompts, seeds, and images.
  • πŸŽ‰ The presenter is excited about the quality of the videos generated by Haiper Ai.
  • πŸ‘€ The video showcases a movie trailer created using the tool, demonstrating its capabilities.
  • πŸ› οΈ There's a mention of video editing and adding music to enhance the generated videos.
  • πŸ†“ The tool is currently free, but there might be a paid plan introduced in the future.
  • 🌐 The tool is accessible by creating an account with Google or Discord.
  • πŸ“ˆ The video explains the process of generating videos, including selecting modes and styles.
  • πŸ“Ή The presenter shares their experience with generating different types of videos, including HD quality.
  • 🎞️ The video includes a tutorial on how to use the tool to create a cinematic teaser trailer.
  • πŸŽ‰ The final project was a fun and successful experience for the presenter, showcasing the potential of AI in video creation.

Q & A

  • What is the name of the free AI video generation tool discussed in the script?

    -The free AI video generation tool discussed in the script is called 'Haiper Ai'.

  • What kind of video did the speaker create using Haiper Ai?

    -The speaker created a movie trailer for a movie that's never going to come out using Haiper Ai.

  • What are the steps to create an account on Haiper Ai?

    -To create an account on Haiper Ai, one can use Google or Discord to sign up.

  • What is the 'Hyper Explore' page and what can you do there?

    -The 'Hyper Explore' page is where you can see a variety of video generations created by other users. You can also like and save them to your favorites.

  • What additional features did the speaker mention might be available in the future on Haiper Ai?

    -The speaker mentioned that future features on Haiper Ai might include animating with your image and repainting your video.

  • What is the difference between the regular model and the HD model in Haiper Ai?

    -The regular model in Haiper Ai can generate videos up to 4 seconds long, while the HD model can only generate up to 2 seconds long but with better quality.

  • How long did it take for the speaker to generate a 2-second clip in Haiper Ai?

    -The speaker mentioned that the queue took 1 minute and 32 seconds, and the actual generation of a 2-second clip took 1 minute.

  • What is the process for generating a video in Haiper Ai?

    -The process involves selecting the type of generation (text or image), choosing the style, setting the seed, motion level, and duration, then typing in the prompt and hitting create.

  • How did the speaker enhance the generated videos?

    -The speaker enhanced the generated videos by adding video editing, music, and using software like Premiere Pro for sharpening and color correction.

  • What role did Chad GPT play in creating the storyline for the videos?

    -Chad GPT was used to generate ideas for shots and a storyboard for the video, as well as providing a cinematic epic voiceover for the trailer.

  • Where did the speaker find the music for the final video project?

    -The speaker found the music for the final video project on a free platform called Creator mix.



πŸŽ₯ Introduction to AI Video Generation

The speaker introduces their project of creating a movie trailer using AI tools, specifically highlighting a free AI video generation tool that exceeded expectations. They express excitement about showcasing the trailer and the tool used to create it. The tool, referred to as 'hyper' or 'haper', is praised for its ability to generate impressive videos and is currently free to use. The speaker guides viewers through the tool's interface, explaining features like account creation, video exploration, and creation modes. They also discuss the limitations of non-HD videos, which can be up to 4 seconds long, versus HD videos, which are limited to 2 seconds. The process of generating a video is described, including waiting in a queue and the actual video generation time. The speaker shares their initial disappointment with the video quality but remains hopeful after seeing the potential of the tool.


πŸš€ Enhancing AI Video Quality with HD Model

The speaker discovers that using the HD model in the AI video generation tool significantly improves the quality of the videos, making them appear much more realistic. They compare the regular and HD models, showing a clear preference for the latter despite the shorter duration limit. The speaker then explores the option of adding images to the video generation process, resulting in a variety of creative and visually appealing outcomes. They share several examples of generated videos, including a realistic flame, a Mr. Beast portrait, a dragon, and an anime girl, showcasing the tool's versatility and potential. The speaker also mentions the process of creating a short movie reel with the help of another AI tool, Chad GPT, which provided ideas for shots and a storyboard. The generated videos are then edited and enhanced using Premiere Pro software to create a cohesive and professional-looking trailer.


🎬 Creating a Cinematic Trailer with AI Assistance

The speaker details their process of creating a cinematic teaser trailer for a hypothetical sci-fi movie using AI. They utilized Chad GPT to generate textual visual descriptions for each shot and a cinematic epic voiceover. The speaker then used the AI video generation tool to create the actual footage, applying an '8K cinematic movie vibrant and sci-fi' style to maintain consistency. After generating the videos, they edited them in Premiere Pro, adding two more shots to match the length of the voiceover. They also sourced free music from Creator mix for the final touch. The speaker reflects on the fun and ease of creating the trailer, expressing excitement about the potential of AI in video production and the ability to turn ideas into realistic footage with minimal effort.



πŸ’‘AI Video Generation

AI Video Generation refers to the use of artificial intelligence to create videos automatically. In the context of the video, the creator discusses using an AI tool called 'Haiper AI' to generate video content for a fictional movie trailer. This process involves inputting prompts or descriptions into the AI software, which then produces short video clips that align with the given instructions.

πŸ’‘Movie Trailer

A movie trailer is a commercial advertisement, originally for a feature film that is intended to be used as a marketing tool. In the script, the creator mentions wanting to make a movie trailer for a movie that will never be released, using the AI video generation tool to create the trailer's content.

πŸ’‘Haiper AI

Haiper AI is identified as the name of the AI video generation tool used in the video. It is described as a free tool capable of creating high-quality video content. The tool allows users to generate videos by providing text prompts or images, and the video showcases how the creator used Haiper AI to create various video clips.


In the context of AI video generation, a prompt is a text description or command given to the AI system to guide the type of content it generates. The script mentions that users can see the prompts used by other creators on the Haiper AI platform, which can inspire or be studied for creating one's own video content.


The term 'seed' in AI generation refers to a starting point or a base input that the AI uses to create content. In the video, the creator notes that each video generation on Haiper AI has an associated seed, which can be used to recreate or reference the same output.

πŸ’‘HD Model

The HD Model mentioned in the script refers to a higher definition video generation option within Haiper AI. The creator finds that using the HD model results in significantly better video quality compared to the standard model, even though the HD videos are limited to shorter durations.


In the context of the video, 'queue' refers to the waiting list for video generation. The creator mentions that after submitting a prompt, the request is placed in a queue and must wait for a short period, depending on the number of users, before the AI starts generating the video.


Stylization in video generation refers to the application of specific visual styles or effects to the generated content. The script describes various stylization options in Haiper AI, such as 'old film', 'watercolor', and 'cyberpunk', which users can select to influence the aesthetic of their generated videos.

πŸ’‘Chad GPT

Chad GPT is mentioned as a separate AI tool used by the creator to generate ideas and storyboards for video shots. The creator uses Chad GPT to receive textual descriptions of potential video shots, which are then input into Haiper AI to create the actual video content.

πŸ’‘Premiere Pro

Premiere Pro is a video editing software used by the creator to edit and enhance the AI-generated videos. The script describes how the creator used Premiere Pro to scale up the videos, apply color correction, and add music to create a polished final product.

πŸ’‘Creator Mix

Creator Mix is mentioned as a source for free music that the creator used to add a soundtrack to the final video project. This platform provides royalty-free music that can be used to enhance video projects without copyright issues.


Introduction to a free AI video generation tool called Haiper Ai.

Demonstration of a movie trailer created using Haiper Ai.

Explanation of how to use Haiper Ai to create the trailer.

Showcasing additional trailers generated with Haiper Ai.

Description of the tool's interface and features.

Mention of the free account creation process with Google or Discord.

Highlight of the 'Hyper Explore' page for viewing creations.

Explanation of the prompt and seed visibility on the explore page.

Discussion on the quality difference between regular and HD video generations.

Details on video generation process including wait times and generation durations.

Tutorial on how to create video generations with text prompts.

Showcasing of image-based video generations.

Description of the process to create a storyboard for a movie reel using Chad GPT.

Explanation of video editing process in Premiere Pro.

Mention of the use of free music from Creator mix.

The final trailer creation process using Haiper Ai and Chad GPT.

Impressive results of the trailer showcasing the capabilities of Haiper Ai.

Reflection on the ease of use and potential of Haiper Ai for video creation.